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Thread: Popup message When items are in the cart

  1. #1
    Rita is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Default Popup message When items are in the cart

    We would like to have a feature to display a javascript popup message ("We would like to offer 10% discount for the items that have been added to the cart by you.") when customer closing the browser or typing some other URL in browser at the time of some items are in the cart.

    Is it possible to display a message if the cart is not empty, when customer closing the browser?

  2. #2
    travisalmand is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    There is a method for causing an alert on closing the window. There's a way to sort of detect if the user is doing something in the URL bar but not directly. You can't detect anything that happens outside of the web page part of the browser.

    There are probably dozens of examples of how to do these things.

    But I should say that it is not considered proper etiquette to use the on closing methods as many consider it quite rude. It might give your site the "questionable" feel to it.