Is there a configuration setting that must be changed to enable ad-hoc charges? I followed the instructions in the manual, but even though I have captured the order I don't see the Create Add-Hoc button. Ia m logging into our site as an admin user.
Is there a configuration setting that must be changed to enable ad-hoc charges? I followed the instructions in the manual, but even though I have captured the order I don't see the Create Add-Hoc button. Ia m logging into our site as an admin user.
Ad-hoc refund/charge appears only on CAPTURED transaction, yes. Can you tell me the exact version you're using so we can assist you further?
I am using the single store ML
That's a known issue in that version (corrected in The fix is very simple. Open up /admin/orderframe.aspx.cs and find this line (569 by default):
...and change it to:Code:if ((ord.ParentOrderNumber == 0 || TransactionType == AppLogic.TransactionTypeEnum.RECURRING_AUTO) && ord.TransactionIsCaptured() && (IsCard || IsMicroPay || IsPayPal) && (GW != Gateway.ro_GWWORLDPAYJUNIOR && GW != Gateway.ro_GWWORLDPAY && GW != Gateway.ro_GW2CHECKOUT && GW != Gateway.ro_GWGOOGLECHECKOUT) && IsAmazonSimplePay)
Code:if ((ord.ParentOrderNumber == 0 || TransactionType == AppLogic.TransactionTypeEnum.RECURRING_AUTO) && ord.TransactionIsCaptured() && (IsCard || IsMicroPay || IsPayPal) && (GW != Gateway.ro_GWWORLDPAYJUNIOR && GW != Gateway.ro_GWWORLDPAY && GW != Gateway.ro_GW2CHECKOUT && GW != Gateway.ro_GWGOOGLECHECKOUT))
Hi Scott
We are having the same problem on ML where the Create Ad-hoc charge/refund button does not appear on orders that have been captured. Is there a setting we are missing?