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Thread: Multiple tracking numbers?

  1. #1
    iberniztok is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Default Multiple tracking numbers?

    We want to be able to have some items for presale in our cart and allow the customers to backorder items. When the customer places and order.. their items that are in stock will be shipped but the presale items will ship when they are back in stock. Is it possible to add another tracking number to an order? And fire another email to a customer with the new tracking number?

    Has anyone ever done this? Thanks in advance.
    Application Developer

  2. #2
    gilligan is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Default You Need to Order 1 Product Per Order To Assign Different Shipment Tracking Numbers

    Unfortuantely, no one at ADNSF ever considered that more than one tracking number might apply to an order, probably because they only ship one product and generally that's by download, so doesn't really apply.

    In our case, and quite often, we have orders with more than one product, which may also use several shipment methods depending on weight or distribution location, perhaps products that ship FedEx, another LTL, and perhaps even a component or two by US Mail - all on one order.

    With ADNSF, it would appear the only way to handle this would be to have a customer place a separate order for each product or to tell the customer which products to add to an order, which would be unreasonable and there are many threads regarding this shortage in ADNSF.

    Some have suggested using an external product that sends emails, or using services that provide the missing functionality of ADNSF, but frankly, those add-on products aren't capable of updating receipts and the data stored in ADNSF, which ideally, should be the one stop place to get all information about an order - the products ordered, the price paid, the method of payment, and shipment notices.

    The other down-trodden concern is those external products can be expensive because they are designed for very large product distribution, something that may not apply to many. One person suggested $6,000 was a bit much to send a simple email to a customer and others suggest that ADNSF should simply add multiple shipment tracking capability - something many other eCommerce products do well.

    At this point, I wonder why so many features are missing. I paid a fee for annual updates to the product, with Vortx is eliminating; a fee I would be happy to keep paying for updates, but given updates are free now, would suggest Vortx is look for another way to make money. I'm guessing that will be by adding missing features as modules rather than updates. Hopefully - that will be a fairly inexpensive module to allow multiple tracking numbers per order, so we can keep everything together and simplified for both the seller and the customer.

    For now - you'll have to email tracking info to customers or have them place single shipment orders or purchase one of the other products mentioned - search Google for aspdotnetstorefront multiple shipment tracking numbers and you'll see the various options.