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Thread: Inventory QTYs and Order_ShoppingCart

  1. #1
    smoreo is offline Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Brooklyn, NY

    Question Inventory QTYs and Order_ShoppingCart

    I have a weird scenario where there are orders_shoppingcart records for orders that do not exist in the orders table with a QTY on one variant of 3 (sumed from the rows in orders_shoppingCart) and the inventory in the prdoductVariant table is 0 but the inventory was set to 2 when we received it. My question is, wher edid these orders_shoppingCart records come from? did they reduce the inventory? and why is the inventory not -1? Maybe i am just not understanding the orders_shoppincart table? i think of it as the line items of the orders. Unless you manually delete an order (in teh DB) they should all tie back to orders in teh orders table.

  2. #2
    ASPAlfred is offline Senior Member
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    Nov 2007


    Orders_Shoppingcart - this is where the line items stored when an order is placed.
    Orders - is where the order headers are stored.

    Every items in the order_shoppingcart table were deducted from the items inventory balance, once the order is CAPTURED. If you're seeing order numbers in the Orders_shoppingcart table which do not exists in Orders table, that is a weird situation indeed. But, that's not something we have ever heard before. The only reason I can think of is, someone might have accidentally deleted it (e.g. thru customizations, etc).

    You can also check this article - https://support.aspdotnetstorefront....barticleid=249
    Last edited by ASPAlfred; 05-20-2010 at 09:15 PM.