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Thread: ShowZip value

  1. #1
    chrismartz is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Default ShowZip value

    I have been working on a customization to allow the input of the county into the address table. I have done the following successfully:

    - Added field into address table
    - Modified update statement to enter data into the new field
    - Created table with ohio county to taxrate information (ID, CountyName, etc)
    - Have data from the created taxrate table populating in drop-down
    - Have county showing or not showing based on if the country value is set to "United States" and State is equal to "OH".

    All this is working and I'm able to submit and store all data I need. The problem is this: When a user picks Ohio from the drop down for the first time, or after picking another state first, the Ohio County box is shown by using "ShowCounty" just like ShowZip on AddressControl.cs. When that form is submitted, all is submitted except for the value of the county drop-down. I can go back in, since Ohio is now chosen, and select the county and submit and this time it will store the chosen county. I have an on_select event for the state drop-down and I'm wondering if that has something to do with the page reloading on the backend and the value's aren't being stored because of that. I tried to follow how the showzip option works with the country on_select but obviously am missing something. Any help is much appreciated.


  2. #2
    chrismartz is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Just a note on this, it works fine when logged in and I click create new address. I can change states with no problems and when I choose Ohio and the county, it submits and stores the county code too.