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Thread: What do we sell report

  1. #1
    DotNetDevelopments is offline Senior Member
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    Harlow / Essex / UK

    Exclamation What do we sell report

    We were looking for a report that could show us based on manufacturer what our best sellers are.

    However we do not have any idea where to start, should it be done in a feed so we can put it into an excel spreadsheet easily so create an ASP custom report.

    What we want is to select a manufacturer, a date range and then see at a glance how many of each product (and variants they would have to be all split up) what we sell most of. Even better if we could view our profit on each item as well (That would be the easiest part, just take away actual cost from the price.)

    Any help or code snippets would be great, thanks a lot in advance.
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    Dot Net Developments - E-commerce By Experience

  2. #2
    DotNetDevelopments is offline Senior Member
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    Seems custom reports are extremely static sadly. Best I could do is say now back 2 months if I wanted it to be more dynamic. In the end we used SQL statements modified from the best sellers XML query.
    Version (Code/DB): AspDotNetStorefront MSx
    Execution Mode: 64 Bit
    Dot Net Developments - E-commerce By Experience

  3. #3
    webopius is offline Senior Member
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    This type of report is definitely possible to incorporate within the admin pages. We've done reports such as 'Sales by Cost Centre' (for accounts), 'Country Sales report' (Select your countries, then breakdown of orders by country including average sale size per customer etc).

    The general approach is to write a new stored procedure that takes the parameters you need and returns the results in a basic tabular format (or XML) - in your case, it will probably be manufacturer, date range and possibly category ids to report on.

    Then write a new admin page that presents the various options to the user, calls the procedure and then works its way through the result set to present a formatted report.


    Look at a product such as Crystal Reports and develop your reports in a slightly less programmatic way.
