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Thread: Add Mp3 files to my site and charge per download

  1. #1
    cristoph716 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Default Add Mp3 files to my site and charge per download

    I am running asp storefront version 9. I am creating a website that offers audio therapy to people. I want to make it so they have an option to preview a clip of the audio (maybe 30 secs). Then also have an option to pay for the audio file then download it from the site.

    I am not sure of the best way to go about this. Right now I have each product set up as a generic product calling xml package .product.simpleproduct.xml.config.(I just set it up)

    Is there a way to have the two options (preview or buy) for each product right on the product page?

    Any input would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks in advance!

  2. #2
    AspDotNetStorefront Staff - Scott's Avatar
    AspDotNetStorefront Staff - Scott is offline Administrator
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    Mar 2007
    Ashland, OR


    For the preview, you would just need to embed the shorter audio clip in the description. You could do that with HTML or the Media Manager tool in the RAD editor used to create the description.

    To actually sell it, just make the product a downloadable product.