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Thread: Product options like size dropdown, can these be re-used?

  1. #1
    DENT is offline Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Default Product options like size dropdown, can these be re-used?

    If a set of my products all require the same product options like a dropdownlist of sizes, and a dropdownlist of colors, is there a way for me to create these product options, and then have a set of my products all use these options?

    Can inventory still be tracked on a per product basis?

    Or do I have to re-create this for every product?

  2. #2
    AspDotNetStorefront Staff - Scott's Avatar
    AspDotNetStorefront Staff - Scott is offline Administrator
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    Mar 2007
    Ashland, OR


    You can't change products in bulk to use a set of options you created for one product, however you can clone the product you created and then edit the 'cloned' versions to create the other products, so you're only changing a few fields.

    Inventory is tracked per product, and can be tracked by size/color attribute as well.