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Thread: XML Category duplication on Import

  1. #1
    feiwebmaster is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Default XML Category duplication on Import

    We have imported our products several times and we continue to end up with duplicate categories. Is there a know issue? Our file and format appears to be correct compared to the example given. The products are linked to the proper categories but we have duplicate categories.

  2. #2
    ASPAlfred is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2007


    Are you using /XPath for you categories or something like that? Do those duplicate categories exists already in the DB prior to the import? It's hard to tell what's going on until we can see your import file. You might want to send this into support together with your xml file and so we can take a look. Don't forget to include what version you're on. Thanks

  3. #3
    feiwebmaster is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Post Category duplicate import issue

    I will send the file into support thank you. We thought we had it resolved but we cannot update product assignments to categories. With xml if we upload a product it picks up the primary category fine but does not include the products in the subs it belongs to.

    If we re-import and try to include them in the additional categories it creats new sub categories and does not include them in the orginal sub categories.

    <Name>Main Category</Name>
    <ParentCategory />
    <Name>Main Category</Name>
    <ParentCategory>/Gun Safes</ParentCategory>

    I'll send this on to support.

  4. #4
    feiwebmaster is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Default Anyone esle using XML for product import?

    We are really trying to go to production and still haven't seen an answer from support.

    If we use the XML import the Primary Category is created and product is setup in the primary fine. The sub is created with no product assigned, if we run the import again it creates the sub again and it still does not assign the product to the sub. Any other suggestion should we use Excel import instead?

    Support suggested we go through the process of setting up WSI and using the service for import. That seems like a lot of work and support to do a product import when there are two other import utilities.

    We built the XML export because it seemed the most error free process for products that included variants.
    Last edited by feiwebmaster; 05-05-2010 at 01:31 PM.