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Thread: ASPDNSF ML v.9 Skin_1 and Resources Issues

  1. #1
    svetlanad is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Default ASPDNSF ML v.9 Skin_1 and Resources Issues

    I just upgraded to the latest version of the Store Front, however I am experiencing the following issue with the default skin. When previewing the home page none of the images are displayed. I looked at the html for the home page, and I noticed that the source for all images is pointing to skins/skin_1/images. Since the upgrade this folder is no longer available and as far as I understand the skins are now placed under the App_Tempaltes and App_Themes folders. Does anybody know what is causing this issue?
    Another problem I am facing is the fact that most of the texts for different labels/titles accross the webiste (and that includes the admin site) are not available. For example on the home page of the admin site instead of title like 'Common Links' it is displayed admin.default.CommonLinks or instead of "System Information" the text is displayed as admin.default.SystemInformation.

    Any information on both of these issues is greatly appreciated!

  2. #2
    ASPAlfred is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2007


    You are correct! The previous skins directory was moved into {root}\App_Templates\Skin_1 folder in v9.x, as we converted everything (skinbase templates) to Master Pages. With regard to the issues you're having with the skins, did you follow our "AspDotNetStorefront Skin Conversion Guide.pdf" manual to convert previous skinbase templates to MasterPage? You can see that document in the root directory of the v9.x build.

    As for the missing strings, you need to reload "strings.en-US.xls" and "admin.strings.en-US.xls" files to fix that. We started to localized the admin strings, so you need to load the "admin.strings.en-US.xls" as well. Refer to this manual.

  3. #3
    svetlanad is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2008


    Thank you so much! The reload did work for the strings. We are using the default skin and since we still have not modified the 'hometopintro' topic that was the reason for the images not to display. They were still pointing pointing to the old path. Everything looks good now. Thanks again!