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Thread: Help - Skin Problems for skins 3-6

  1. #1
    davlun is offline Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Default Help - Skin Problems for skins 3-6

    So working with v9, just downloaded and setup without any issues really. The very next question that was asked was: Lets see the other skins.

    So I downloaded the skins in the license area and realized soon enough that those skins werent working in my default, brand new codebase. Did some digging around and found a doc on skin conversion that had me split the skin up into the templates and themes directory.

    So this worked for #2 which is basically the same design as #1 it seems, just orange.

    However, trying same thing on skins 3-6 did not yield anything but a fully unstyled page, although the content was there.

    Anyone successful in getting the extra skins functional under 9? If so, would you be willing to share how you did it?



  2. #2
    AspDotNetStorefront Staff - Scott's Avatar
    AspDotNetStorefront Staff - Scott is offline Administrator
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    Mar 2007
    Ashland, OR


    The old stylesheets are going to be missing a ton of styles that we use in the newer skins (skins 3-6 are actually 'legacy' skins carried up from even older versions of the software than 8.x). You would have to go through the template and find all the styles referenced that are missing and add them back in.

    If you're just wanting to see what the other skins look like, we have screenshots in the online manual here. At the very least you can look at those and see if any of them are interesting enough to you to do the full skin conversion on.