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Thread: Hosting Faceoff

  1. #1
    toofast is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Cherry Hill, NJ, USA

    Default Hosting Faceoff

    I'm wondering if we could figure out the best hosting for ADNSF....

    Currently, I have a dedicated server with The Planet, which costs $750/month. I have about 6 ADNSF sites running on it and I get decent speeds. But obviously this is very expensive. My server is about 1 year old now.

    I actually setup exact duplicate sites on my dedicated server VS. Rackspace Cloud and Rackspace cloud is very slow, you can see results here:

    I'm wondering if anyone can post there speed tests for their site and lets see which hosting is best for the money:

    Thanks for any feedback.

  2. #2
    John Morrison is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2008


    I just had to do an evaluation for a client. I used a service that I pay monthly for that will compare several different servers from 3 different locations across the nation.

    The problem with your speed test is that you do not know where the client machine is. It may have a fast connection to your current host (or even be in the same datacenter) and would skew your results.

    I have found a company (please use your testing tool) who has a very fast network and very reasonable prices. The founder of the company was responsible for architecting and overseeing MySpace’s nationwide network build-out and is very well known in the Managed Hosting world.

    Please look at Peak Web Hosting (btw you can test that server too as it is hosted in their network)

    If you call them please tell them John Morrison from Morrison Consulting referred you (I don’t get anything out of it other than good repore ..)

    BTW $750 is not a lot of money that is rather cheap. Everything really depends on your configuration and services. I know that Rack$pace can charge 1k for a simple amd pizza box...

    So the thing is, what you will get for $750 a month? Give Peak a call.

    As for a second recommendation... Deru out of phoenix was the "Fastest" in my test .. However it was not much faster than Peak. Peak offers better management services for the money.

    In my tested i monitored about 10 different companies and datacenters that were all recomendations from people who manage CDNs or have to maintain 50+ machines that run one site and use a ton a bandwidth.