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Thread: Compiling the codebehind

  1. #1
    schapman is offline Junior Member
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    Apr 2010

    Default Compiling the codebehind

    The company I work for has purchased ML/64 version 8 and wants me to do some modifications to the codebehind.

    Since I did not see any .sln or .csproj files I used Visual Studio's wizard to create the project from the "\Web\" folder. After adding the necessary DLL and System.Web references, the code still fails to compile, with 3 errors and 125 warnings referring to the Telerik RadControls.

    The errors are of the form:

    Error 126 'Telerik.WebControls.RadEditorUtils.FileSystemCont entProvider.ResolveRootDirectoryAsList(string)': return type must be 'Telerik.WebControls.RadEditorUtils.DirectoryItem[]' to match overridden member 'Telerik.WebControls.RadEditorUtils.FileBrowserCon tentProvider.ResolveRootDirectoryAsList(string)' C:\Documents and Settings\schapman\My Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\Web\RadControls\Editor\Controls\File BrowserContentProviders\FileSystemContentProvider. cs 193 35 Web

    The warnings are of the form:

    Warning 2 The type 'Telerik.WebControls.EditorDialogControls.BaseBrow serControl' in 'C:\Documents and Settings\schapman\My Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\Web\RadControls\Editor\Dialogs\BaseB rowserControl.cs' conflicts with the imported type 'Telerik.WebControls.EditorDialogControls.BaseBrow serControl' in 'c:\Documents and Settings\schapman\My Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\Web\bin\ASPDNSFRadWrapper.dll'. Using the type defined in 'C:\Documents and Settings\schapman\My Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\Web\RadControls\Editor\Dialogs\BaseB rowserControl.cs'. C:\Documents and Settings\schapman\My Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\Web\RadControls\Editor\Dialogs\Image Manager.ascx.cs 10 30 Web

    It looks like the .cs files contradict the RadWrapper DLL, but removing the DLL causes many more errors.

  2. #2
    AspDotNetStorefront Staff - Scott's Avatar
    AspDotNetStorefront Staff - Scott is offline Administrator
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    Mar 2007
    Ashland, OR


    If you don't see any solution or project files, then your company either didn't purchase the source code, or they just haven't signed the Source License Agreement yet so the source hasn't been released (contact customer service if you think that's the case).

    Without the source code, none of the changes you can make will require a recompile. You can change classes in the App_Code folder and .aspx/codebehind files - neither of which are compiled.