What is the best method of importing tracking numbers from drop ship suppliers?
They can export tracking details from their UPS wordship....how can I get that information into the storefront?
What is the best method of importing tracking numbers from drop ship suppliers?
They can export tracking details from their UPS wordship....how can I get that information into the storefront?
Direct SQL back to orders table or use WSI to update via Xml web service.
Shopping Cart
You can also import that data through the admin interface if you can export it from UPS into the right format.
Thank you, that was exactly what I was looking for!
okay I see that sccording to the Documentation that:
"if the 3rd-party app supports it they can re-output the CSV file with the shipping information (tracking number, shipping date, carrier, etc) filled in and the ASPDNSF software can import it, through the field on this page. "
But in the Kowledge Base it says this:
"In order to import tracking numbers through the Orders->Shipping Import/Export option in the admin site, the CSV file has to be properly formatted. The file should be 3 columns, with no headers.
- The first column should be either Y or N, indicating whether or not the order has been voided.
Note: This will not appear on ML and can be ignored.
- The second column is the order number *
- The third column contains the tracking number from the shipping carrier"
So the first statement is not correct?
Or is there another file format that can be used to do what the documentation says?
Thank you.
Can you provide URL of the manual you're seeing Statement #1? Follow the KB article instead - https://support.aspdotnetstorefront....barticleid=153
I also see that on this page you can use USPS Endicia DAZzle:
how do I get this to work, I found in the ShippingImportFormats that you have DAZzle listed, again how do I get this Exporting/Importing to work for Endicia DAZzle?
Thank you.
There are a few software solutions that make that process pretty simple. Mailware imports the tracking numbers from the drop shippers and puts it right in the aspdotnetstorefront cart. lol it defiantly saves you from a hassle.
(I don't mean to advertise on the forum, but I believe Mailware is a truly good solution to the OP's question)