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Thread: Excel Import Sheet Question

  1. #1
    amient2 is offline Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Default Excel Import Sheet Question

    We are running AspDotNetStorefront ML

    I have a question about the Excel Import process and the concept of parent products.

    I am assuming the data in the import spreadsheet in the columns left of Variant name (ProductName through SEAltText) is parent product data and that it has to be the same for each variant row or that the import program will begin updating the parent product. Is this correct?

    In general is this parent product more of a generic place holder for all the variants or do people use/store the attributes of the default variant?

    For example what should I import for ManufacturerPartNumber if the parent product really can not be ordered.

    Thanks for your help.

  2. #2
    AspDotNetStorefront Staff - Scott's Avatar
    AspDotNetStorefront Staff - Scott is offline Administrator
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    Mar 2007
    Ashland, OR


    You can't really think of 'parent' products and variants as separate things - the parent product CAN be ordered, it's ordered every time someone purchases a product. They're just getting the product with that variant's attributes (price, weight, etc). Variants are just a 'version' of the parent product.

    For multi-variant products, the parent product information should all be identical.

  3. #3
    amient2 is offline Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Scott THANK YOU SO MUCH for responding.

    I think I am so confused because last time I imported we were using the DNN version and the parent rows did not repeat so my parent products were just being created with the first row of information and not being updated with any information what was different.

    I think I get how the SKU is implemented, the common part of the SKU is stored in the parent and the suffix (what makes it unique as a variant) is what stored in the variant product and because each product has at least one variant this makes sense.

    What I am still confused about is what to store in the Manufacturer Part Number for the parent product. Is that the common portion of the Manufacturer Part Number (if there is one) or is that just the Manufacturer Part Number of the particular variant that happens to be the parent (and that information is then repeated in the Variant Manufacturer Part Number)?

    THANKS AGAIN for the HELP!