why does the css class id for the mini cart keep changing? we style it then a few days later it changes names?
The following css id's are the ones that change. Its the second number that changes:
e.g., #ctl00_ctl08, #ctl00_ctl09, #ctl00_ctl10, #ctl00_ctl11 (they seem to fluctuate between 108-111 for the second number)
#ctl00_ctl08_pnlMinicartHeader {background:transparent url(../Skin_1/images/shopping-cart_bg.jpg) top right no-repeat; height:24px; padding:7px 12px 0 0; width:300px; clear:both; margin:0 0 0}
#ctl00_ctl08_lnkViewMiniCart {float:right}
#ctl00_ctl08_lblItemCount {float:right}
#ctl00_ctl08_pnlMinicartControl {width:300px; background:#f7f7f8; border:1px solid #e9e7e7}
.mini_cart {padding:10px}
#ctl00_ctl08_UpdatePanel1 {width:300px}
#ctl00_ctl08_UpdatePanel1 div {width:auto; clear:both}