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Thread: New Mastercard & Discover Processing Rules

  1. #1
    brightspectrum is offline Member
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    Default New Mastercard & Discover Processing Rules

    Just received this email from a customer. ASPDNS doesn't split out of the box so what might we (or ASPDNS) need to do for this, should we be concerned?

    Your Payment Gateway ID is: #########
    Dear Authorize.Net Merchant:
    MasterCard and Discover are modifying their rules concerning the processing of debit, prepaid and gift cards. This e-mail includes important information about the new requirements and the timelines regarding Authorize.Net's support of the requirements, so please read it thoroughly.
    MasterCard's rule changes go into effect May 1, 2010, and Discover's rule changes go into effect April 16, 2010. However, Authorize.Net, MasterCard and Discover have worked together to extend these dates for all merchants using Authorize.Net solutions. Our merchants will now have until June 30, 2011, to implement support for the requirements within their systems.
    What are the requirements?
    MasterCard and Discover are requiring that all merchants support the following:
    Balance response transactions — For prepaid and gift cards, once the card has been used, the remaining account balance will be transmitted along with the authorization response. The remaining balance must be printed on the customer receipt, displayed on the Web page or point-of-sale terminal, or both.
    Partial authorization transactions — When a customer's transaction amount exceeds the balance available on their debit, prepaid or gift card, instead of declining the transaction, a partial authorization for the amount available to the customer will be returned. This will allow the customer to pay for the remaining amount with another form of payment. This is called a split-tender transaction.
    Authorization reversals — An authorization reversal is a real-time transaction initiated when the customer decides that they do not want to proceed with the transaction, or if the merchant cannot complete the transaction for any reason. Authorization reversals free up the customer's available balance on their debit, prepaid or gift card.
    What steps is Authorize.Net taking to support these requirements?
    Authorize.Net will be updating our systems over the coming months to support the requirements, but will be dependent on each processor's readiness. For a table of when we anticipate we will support the requirements with each processor, please visit
    What do I need to do to support the requirements?
    The steps that you will need to take to support the requirements depend on how you connect to the payment gateway. For example, if you connect using a shopping cart, point-of-sale device, or other solution, you will need to contact your solution provider to confirm that they will be supporting the requirements. If you connect using a direct integration, you should contact your Web developer for assistance. Please direct your Web developer to for information on the changes they will need to make.
    Do I have to support the requirements?
    MasterCard and Discover are requiring all merchants to support the requirements with the exception of merchants that exclusively process transactions via batch uploads, mail order/telephone order (MOTO), or recurring payment transactions. Your Merchant Service Provider (MSP) is ultimately responsible for determining if the requirements apply to your business, so please contact them for assistance in determining if your company is exempt.
    Once again, these requirements will not be enforced for Authorize.Net merchants until June 30, 2011. However, we wanted to bring them to your attention now so that you have plenty of time to plan for their implementation.
    For more information on the requirements, including how they affect our value-adding services, please visit our FAQ page at
    Thank you for your attention to these important changes and for being an Authorize.Net merchant.

  2. #2
    AspDotNetStorefront Staff - Scott's Avatar
    AspDotNetStorefront Staff - Scott is offline Administrator
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    We'll have to adapt the software for those new requirements eventually, but so far only and one other supported gateway seem to be picking these requirements up. It's going to take pretty sizable changes to the software, including a lot that we can't do until the gateways make the changes on their end. Once more gateways implement these changes, we'll do what we need to. More info here.