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Thread: Product Supercession

  1. #1 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    McCall, ID

    Default Product Supercession

    Let me set a scenario. I'm selling a red wagon, and the manufacture has updated the product to a blue wagon for this year. How can I 'supercede' the red wagon to the blue wagon. I want to capture all searches for the red wagon also.

  2. #2
    ASPAlfred is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2007


    You can try running this script against your DB.
    UPDATE Product
    SET [Name] = REPLACE([Name],'Old Text','New Text')
    WHERE name like '%Old Text%'
    Change the [Name] field depending on where you're updating the text.

    *Make a full DB backup first, just in case.

  3. #3
    RBrun is offline Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    If the product is a manufacturer supercession such as part number 1111-11 becomes part number 1111-11A - we simply add a new variant to the original part and unpublish the old variant. This keeps the search engines happy and is minimal effort on our part.

    If you are superceeding one product to a similar product and need to build a new productid and variants you might take a look at this other thread to see if it helps...
    Rob Brun