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Thread: Adding Details to Credit Card Error Messages

  1. #1
    flammaaeterna is offline Member
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    Sep 2006

    Default Adding Details to Credit Card Error Messages

    Anyone know how we can add more detail or change the style for credit card error messages? I can't seem to see how to do this in the cs file, and don't see an XML package that controls the display for the checkoutpayment page.

    Basically, instead of the customer just seeing that there is an "AVS mismatch", I'd like to include a message that they call their bank, and provide more assistance, or a link to a troubleshooting page. I'd also like to change the font, because some people are claiming they aren't seeing the message.

  2. #2
    George the Great is offline Senior Member
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    Cleveland, OH


    In the ASPDNSFGateways project (source code), you'll find all of the classes for the different payment gateways that are available. You'll have to open up the one that you use, intercept the response, determine if it matches an error message that you'd like to make more friendly/informative, and return that instead of the error message that the gateway returns.
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  3. #3
    webopius is offline Senior Member
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    London, UK



    What we did in this situation (for the SagePay / ProtX gateway) was to write a new web control that sits within the checkoutpayment page and if there is a payment processing error, it reads that customer's most recent record in the failed transactions table.

    In our case, Sagepay returns a specific error code within this table that allows us to provide more detailed information on the cause of the error rather than the standard 'The card was not accepted. Please try again' - the most frequent issue is usually something related to the Customer entering the card valid from date in the card expiry date field.

    We also wrote a new admin screen that allows the store administrator to provide descriptive reasons for each of the error codes.

    At the time of writing, we have over 30 specific error conditions and descriptions that we can report on over and above the standard error message. For example 'the card has expired', 'the card type you selected does not match the card number', 'the card start date is incorrect', 'your CV2 number is incorrect' and so on.
