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Thread: Up to ver9 during ver8 buildout or wait..

  1. #1
    caraj is offline Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Default Up to ver9 during ver8 buildout or wait..

    HI: I have a new store that started in development a few weeks ago and now I have ver9 but they are afraid to upgrade 1/2 way through the development of my site.

    Does anyone have any ideas on what the issues are upgrading to version 9 during a new ver8 store build? Or should I wait until the store is 100% complete and then upgrade to ver9?

    We have the source code and we are making some code changes using ver8

  2. #2
    AspDotNetStorefront Staff - Scott's Avatar
    AspDotNetStorefront Staff - Scott is offline Administrator
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    Mar 2007
    Ashland, OR


    If you're still working on your customizations, I would move to v9 now. There have been some pretty significant architectural changes and huge sections of the code have been entirely rewritten. The more you customize in v8, the more you're likely going to have to tweak/redo in v9. If you've still got a fair amount of dev work to go it would make more sense to do it in the later version.

  3. #3
    caraj is offline Member
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    Dec 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by AspDotNetStorefront Staff - Scott View Post
    If you're still working on your customizations, I would move to v9 now. There have been some pretty significant architectural changes and huge sections of the code have been entirely rewritten. The more you customize in v8, the more you're likely going to have to tweak/redo in v9. If you've still got a fair amount of dev work to go it would make more sense to do it in the later version.
    Is this still the suggested thing to do on a new store or should I be building out in Version 8 again?

  4. #4
    akeller is offline Member
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    Dec 2008


    I noticed you never got a reply and it might be beyond late for my two pennies, but I would without a doubt just scrap the version 8 and put all your time into version 9.

    As was previously stated there were some big changes in version 9 that you simply can't just copy your version 8 changes to. The large ones would be moving to Master Pages and the ajax shopping cart.

    If you are putting up a fresh site, I would say go with the latest version 9 first and forget the version 8.

  5. #5
    jwallwork is offline Member
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    Sep 2008


    Stay away from version 9, way too buggy. We upgraded a customized version 8 store to v9.0.13 and keep finding bug issues. Vortx finally published a bug list and said they hope to have a service pack release in a few weeks. I'd wait until the service pack is out and vetted before customizing v9. As it is now, I'm dreading having to re-customize the service pack when it comes out.

    Quote Originally Posted by caraj View Post
    HI: I have a new store that started in development a few weeks ago and now I have ver9 but they are afraid to upgrade 1/2 way through the development of my site.

    Does anyone have any ideas on what the issues are upgrading to version 9 during a new ver8 store build? Or should I wait until the store is 100% complete and then upgrade to ver9?

    We have the source code and we are making some code changes using ver8