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Thread: Recurring Orders - Table?

  1. #1
    usascholar is offline Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Arrow Recurring Orders - Table?

    Hi, I appear to have some orders that are recurring.

    Although I deleted the orders in the system, when I run the daily recurring orders they still attempt to run, even though I get the error that the order was empty.

    The orders do not show up as part of the list, that I can physically see so I figure their is another table that I am missing.

    Can you point me to it?


  2. #2
    Rob is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2004


    Are you using gateway side recurring orders? If so, they still live out on those systems (in some cases)...let us know more info so we can help find them. Maybe should send this into support also, they may need a few more details.
    Shopping Cart

  3. #3
    usascholar is offline Member
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    Jan 2010


    If there is no table, then simply let me know.

    The recurring orders are not on the gateway, nor are we doing any 'ARB' processing.


  4. #4
    Rob is offline Senior Member
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    Aug 2004


    Completely lost me then. Send into support please. Doesn't sound possible...but...there's some data in your system that is not clear from these posts.
    Shopping Cart

  5. #5
    John Reasons is offline Senior Member
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    Oct 2009


    Please submit a support ticket for this issue, we will need to know which version you are on such as C# or VB. It would also help to have the details as to how the orders were deleted, did you stop the recurring order before deleting the order. etc.

  6. #6
    usascholar is offline Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2010


    Hi again. A screenshot is below of the issue. As you can see I do not have any recurring orders today... yet the system still shows these "recurring carts" trying to process after I click on the "Process Charges" link.

    I was trying to figure out what temp table, or actual table these carts can be in.

    Now, while I'm at it... I just checked the ARB system on, and for the time that we did have it running... no orders corresponding to the carts shown in the screenshot exist. (we have some orders with lower, or greater order numbers, but nothing corresponds to these)

    We stopped using ARB, once we realized customers could not edit their next ship date. (Very important for us to have that option)

    I understand you want me to place a ticket, but I thought this was a simple issue.
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  7. #7
    AspDotNetStorefront Staff - Scott's Avatar
    AspDotNetStorefront Staff - Scott is offline Administrator
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    Ashland, OR


    Go ahead and send in the ticket and we'll take a look, like we said this is pretty unusual.

  8. #8
    Rob is offline Senior Member
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    Aug 2004


    ROFL. send to support please. recurring order "issues" are not always "simple"...
    Shopping Cart

  9. #9
    usascholar is offline Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2010


    Yup, I presumed so...

    But $90 per email support incident / $175 per phone support incident is a bit excessive specially because I have yet to get a resolution on another problem I have... and have sent to support.

    I figure those with priority come first... so I will wait until my first one (google conversion issue) is resolved before considering sending you guys another one.

  10. #10
    usascholar is offline Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2010



    I am not sure I should be happy or sad now...

    I downloaded the code since I had purchased the developer version in case I decided to get someone in-house, and started going through the "Create AspDotNetStorefront Database.sql" looking for the possible issue, thinking you guys wither must have used a table... or are creating a file dynamically (which was a dumb way to do the operation, but I have seen bad code before)...

    I found the records in the shoppingcart table (not typical as most info is also in the 'Orders_shoppingcart' table) , and deleted them. Now no more issue...

    Again, I am not sure if I should be happy that I found the problem... or sad, that it was so simple and yet I could not be pointed to the right table by the masters of AspDotNetStoreFront...

    Hmmm... I guess I'll reserve my judgement while I wait for my other issue to be resolved.