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Thread: Resize Iframe issue in FireFox

  1. #1
    mk_mur is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Default Resize Iframe issue in FireFox

    Hi Team

    I have built an web application using frame work 3.5, this application uses iframe to load page as a selected from the menu.
    We have set the scroll bar property to 'No' and set the height of the iframe based on the height of the page loaded with in it. In doing this
    for a larger page where arround 500 records are shown the half of the screen is black. We have use the following code to resize the height of the iframe dynamically.

    var helpFrame = $("#ifmain");
        var innerDoc = (helpFrame.get(0).contentDocument) ? helpFrame.get(0).contentDocument : helpFrame.get(0).contentWindow.document;
        var _scrollHeight;
        var _defaultscrollHeight = 600;
        if (innerDoc.body) {
            _scrollHeight = innerDoc.body.scrollHeight;
            //Set default scroll height as 600 if it is less than that. [For popup grayedout full screen]
            if (_scrollHeight < _defaultscrollHeight)
                _scrollHeight = _defaultscrollHeight;
            helpFrame.height(_scrollHeight + plusHeight);
    The above given code works perfectly in other browsers. It also resizes the iframe height correctly but the content after the half way is overlayed by black color.

    My Firefox Browser version is 3.5.8


  2. #2
    George the Great is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Cleveland, OH


    Might want to give google a shot:
    <a href="">Shopping Cart Software</a>