We are testing out a new payment gateway on our dev site. The test SOAP XMl gateway has been installed by a developer and this is also selected within Storefront (Appconfig and in the Monthly Config)
The files that have been changed are the checkoutpayment.aspx file and the gateway file.
When a test order is placed the Gateway status is returning (Some) expected results but there is no Confirmation screen that we see on our live site. I've attached an screen shot to show you.
How can we resolve this? Is this in the .aspx file or another setting? Within the dev site we have the following settings
Primary Store Locale Setting: en-GB
SQL Locale Setting: en-GB
Customer Locale Setting: en-GB
Primary Store Currency: GBP
Payment Gateway: COMMIDEA
Gateway Mode: LIVE
Transaction Mode: AUTH CAPTURE
Payment Methods: Credit Card
MicroPay Enabled: False
Cardinal Enabled: False
Store Credit Cards: True
Using Gatway Recurring Billing: False
One thing I have noticed is that our live site is set at
Version (Code/DB): AspDotNetStorefront ML
But our dev site is Version (Code/DB): AspDotNetStorefront ML
Would this cause a problem?
Screenshot - http://img685.imageshack.us/img685/5066/11331807.jpg