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Thread: Slow Sending Email

  1. #1
    cjbarth is offline Senior Member
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    Oct 2008

    Default Slow Sending Email

    I have a hosting account with Server Intellect. I have installed a largely default ASPDNSF configuration on that server.

    When I do something that requires sending of an email I find that the email eventually gets sent, but it usually takes hours. On one occasion I received two emails within a very short time of each other even though they had both been 'sent' over an hour ago.

    I contacted Server Intellect and they have told me that their server logs show they are delivering the email moments after they receive it. They therefor insist that it is my ASPDNSF installation that is generating the emails slowly.

    Does anyone have any idea of why emails from ASPDNSF would be generating so slowly? Or where I could go to see email generation in process?

    Since I am receiving emails I assume that there isn't a problem with the setup but I have no explanation for the slow speed I'm experiencing.


  2. #2
    ssgumby is offline Senior Member
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    Feb 2009


    I am on and I have an install on server intellect and I have no such email issues. What specific email are you speaking of?

  3. #3
    cjbarth is offline Senior Member
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    Oct 2008


    I created a new email that is basically a copy of the new user welcome email that get's emailed to admins. I did add a few variables to it. Would it be helpful to have it posted here?

  4. #4
    cjbarth is offline Senior Member
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    Oct 2008


    I received the following update from Server Intellect. Perhaps someone here can comment on what part of ASPDNSF may not be releasing resources.


    Thank you for the update.

    We have looked through the logs and we can see that the delivery you describe was not logged at all in SmarterMail.

    This led us away from an issue with email and towards an issue with the actual application, and upon checking the logs on the web server we can see that this application pool has been crashing due to a lack of resources for the application pool.

    This typically happens for one of two reasons: first, the application pool is not properly releasing its resources upon termination of a session and this causes the resources to compile and stack up until you hit the memory cap and the application crashes.

    The second situation we see this in is when the site has simply grown too large for our shared servers. In this case an upgrade to a virtual or dedicated server is the only solution as these environments allow for the needed resources.

    In these cases we typically try to make some IIS configurations that will hopefully resolve the issue, such as increasing the application pool cap from 125 MB to 150 MB and also changing the time that the application pool is set to recycle.

    The problem with this situation is that I can see that we have already taken these steps for you in the past, so at this time you are going to need to have a programmer review this code to make sure that there is not an issue that is stopping your application pool resources from being released.

    If this is not the case we are going to need to look in to upgrading this account.

    Please let us know what you or your programmer finds.

  5. #5
    AspDotNetStorefront Staff - Scott's Avatar
    AspDotNetStorefront Staff - Scott is offline Administrator
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    Ashland, OR


    It sounds like your site's just grown to need a more powerful hosting environment. There aren't any issues with the software that would "prevent your application pool resources from being released". If the app pool is recycling, you've just got too busy of a site for 150MB of memory to handle. I would talk to SI about moving to one of their higher level hosting plans, they've got several and we've got a lot of happy customers over there.