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Thread: string resource updates vary on different computers

  1. #1
    juliux is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Default string resource updates vary on different computers


    We have more or less hijacked the MicroPay system to create our own in-store credit functionality. This involved some code editing, and also the changing of string resources to suit our specific purposes (ie. on our site this function has a different name to "MicroPay").

    We are having a peculiar issue where these string resource changes are clear and available on the system that made the changes (when viewing them over the Internet), whereas from a few other computers, these string resources are reverted back to their old state (ie. they read "MicroPay" for example, when they should read something different).

    Can the admins offer any assistance regarding this problem?

    Thank you.

  2. #2
    John Reasons is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    This sounds like it might be a caching issue, do you have multiple locales and have you reset the browser cache on the machines that is having the issue?