My admin screens randomly logs out without any reason, is there a way to troubleshoot this or find out why?
My admin screens randomly logs out without any reason, is there a way to troubleshoot this or find out why?
The only things that would end the admin session are exceeding the timeout value in the SessionTimeoutInMinutes AppConfig, or the application pool resetting. You'd have to check with the host to see if you're getting app pool resets. It could be the result of something you're doing in the admin site, or just a lot of activity on the front end.
It's important to note that the site can only check for activity (when determining if your session has idled out) when you click a link. If you spend 25 minutes working on a product description or walk away from your computer for a few and come back or whatever and exceed that timeout period between page loads, the site will log you out even if you were working the whole time.