How do I turn on administrator notifications of when new customers register?
How do I turn on administrator notifications of when new customers register?
You can get close the the same functionality by making yourself the recipient of the "Welcome" email (this assumes you're not using the Welcome email functionality to email your customers):
Set the AppConfig "SendWelcomeEmail" to true.
Change line 1404 of checkout1.aspx.cs to this (note that I've changed the original code to be your email and name):
AppLogic.SendMail(AppLogic.GetString("createaccoun t.aspx.79", ThisCustomer.SkinID, ThisCustomer.LocaleSetting), AppLogic.RunXmlPackage(AppLogic.AppConfig("XmlPack age.WelcomeEmail"), null, ThisCustomer, SkinID, "", "fullname=" + FirstName.Text.Trim() + " " + LastName.Text.Trim(), false, false, EntityHelpers), true, AppLogic.AppConfig("MailMe_FromAddress"), AppLogic.AppConfig("MailMe_FromName"), "", "cjbarth", "", AppLogic.AppConfig("MailMe_Server"));
And change line 810 of createaccount.aspx.cs to (note the changes from the original line):
AppLogic.SendMail(AppLogic.GetString("createaccoun t.aspx.79", ThisCustomer.SkinID, ThisCustomer.LocaleSetting), AppLogic.RunXmlPackage(AppLogic.AppConfig("XmlPack age.WelcomeEmail"), null, ThisCustomer, this.SkinID, "", "fullname=" + FirstName.Text.Trim() + " " + LastName.Text.Trim(), false, false, this.EntityHelpers), true, AppLogic.AppConfig("MailMe_FromAddress"), AppLogic.AppConfig("MailMe_FromName"), "", "cjbarth", "", AppLogic.MailServer());
If you wish to use the Welcome email functionality to email your customers as well, then just add your email address to the empty string that's the 2nd to last parameter in the call, like this (for createaccount.aspx.cs). This will make you a bcc receipient.
AppLogic.SendMail(AppLogic.GetString("createaccoun t.aspx.79", ThisCustomer.SkinID, ThisCustomer.LocaleSetting), AppLogic.RunXmlPackage(AppLogic.AppConfig("XmlPack age.WelcomeEmail"), null, ThisCustomer, this.SkinID, "", "fullname=" + FirstName.Text.Trim() + " " + LastName.Text.Trim(), false, false, this.EntityHelpers), true, AppLogic.AppConfig("MailMe_FromAddress"), AppLogic.AppConfig("MailMe_FromName"), EMailField, FirstName.Text.Trim() + " " + LastName.Text.Trim(), "", AppLogic.MailServer());
Other than this, your most like looking at some slightly more complicated code changes. Good idea for a feature, though.
Last edited by joe.loutzenhiser; 03-08-2010 at 05:38 PM. Reason: Added BCC suggestion
Vortx - DevNet partner
See this thread as well.
I'd do that instead of my own suggestion. Easier to pop into the code.
Vortx - DevNet partner
Sounds good.