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Thread: Products ratings table cellpadding

  1. #1
    Univest is offline Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Default Products ratings table cellpadding

    Im totally stuck with this little thing. The table that holds the products ratingdetails and the image header "ratingsexpanded.gif" seems to be totally invisible.
    Does anyone know when you can can change the cellpadding of that table and where you can find it? I can see it in firefox firebug but cant find it anywhere.
    in the product.simple.xml.config it looks like this and also looked inside rateit.aspx and nothing there eather

    <div style="padding: 20px 0pt 20px 10px;" ><xsl:value-of select="$pDescription" disable-output-escaping="yes"/></div>
    <xsl:value-of select="aspdnsf:ProductSpecs(ProductID, 1, SpecsInline, SpecCall, 400)" disable-output-escaping="yes"/>
    <xsl:if test="boolean(/root/Runtime/showproduct)">
    <xsl:value-of select="aspdnsf:RelatedProducts(ProductID)" disable-output-escaping="yes"/>
    <xsl:value-of select="aspdnsf:ShowUpsellProducts(ProductID)" disable-output-escaping="yes"/>
    <xsl:value-of select="aspdnsf:ProductRatings(ProductID, 0, 0, 0, 1)" disable-output-escaping="yes"/> </xsl:if>

    thank you

  2. #2
    Upscale_Automotive is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    Have you checked your AppConfigs to make sure ratings/reviews are enabled? It could be like the recently viewed items table which can be turned on or off via an AppConfig.