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Thread: UrlRewrite with Danish characters

  1. #1
    loukas is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Question UrlRewrite with Danish characters

    I do not know how to change the urlrewritwe function in the webconfig.
    In danish we have 3 different letters.
    æ,ø and å
    And the HTML kodes looks like this:
    ø = ø
    æ = æ
    å = å

    I would like ø replaced with 'oe', æ with 'ae' and å with 'aa'
    As it works now, it just delete these letters.
    Can any one please help me with this problem ?

  2. #2
    webopius is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    London, UK



    If I understand correctly you want to ensure that URLs using Danish characters end up at the correct product/category URL?

    ASPDNSF and the rewrite rules don't actually need the product/category description information. They just look for the 'p' or 'c' at the start and then the ID. For example, if you have a url like this: description.aspx

    All of these URLs would still work and end up at the same product

    So... I think that if you use 'oe', 'ae' and 'aa' in your product names, any URL will find them correctly, even if the URLs contain æ and å.

    Hope this makes sense and answers your question, if not, let me know.