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Thread: advanced product page

  1. #1
    btappan is offline Senior Member
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    Jan 2008

    Default advanced product page

    I have a rather complicated product setup that I am looking for advice onwhat the optimal product page and type would be. Basically assume I sell product A, B, C, and D individually on my site. I also sell product E which is a combination of A+B (cheaper than if bought seperately) and also sell product F which is a combination of A+C (again,cheaper than if bought seperately). I see it looks like the KIT product setup seems to sync with this idea pretty well but from what I've tested it does not adhere to the limit cart to qty. on hand feature. This is a must for site because I sell out of production items that once they are gone I can not replenish the stock. I want to have a page for product A that also shows the options for that product that are combinations of other products and it needs to show availability of each option based on current stock, any suggestions?

  2. #2
    btappan is offline Senior Member
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    Jan 2008



    If it makes it any easier, let me clarify that "Product A" will always be the root product in combination with the others to form the kit or whatever.

  3. #3
    Ben-LynxSI is offline Member
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    Mar 2010
    Vancouver, BC, Canada


    I'm no expert, but like a challenge.

    I'd leave the products as simple products, perhaps with variants. Then make some of the products "upsell products" for item A. Then you can set a discount percentage for upsell products for item A and change your XmlPackage to display the way you want.

    Of course if you only have 4 or 5 core item, how many permutations can you have? You could just make one item for each variation. Obviously this becomes insane if your product library is significantly larger than I gathered from your post.
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