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Thread: Supper Admin Issue

  1. #1
    husam is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Default Supper Admin Issue

    -I couldn't able to login to the admin section ,I get This message Invalid login .
    -then I going to the FORGOT YOUR PASSWORD section to check the email of supper admin I get the message There is no registered user with that e-mail address!

    -also I use the Query bellow
    UPDATE [Customer]
    SET [Password] = 'your new password here',
    [SaltKey] = -1,
    [LockedUntil] = DateAdd(mi, -1, GetDate()),
    [BadLoginCount] = 0,
    [PwdChangeRequired] = 0,
    [PwdChanged] = GetDate()
    WHERE [Email] = 'your admin email address here'

    but no row effaced ,
    I Guss that supper Admin is Deleted .
    How I can Create Supper admin user account ?

  2. #2
    Mike The Last Boyscout is offline User
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    First off, run this SQL query against the DB:

    SELECT Email FROM Customer WHERE IsAdmin=3
    If that returns anything, the email address(es) listed is the super admin user. That's the email address you'll want to use in the password reset query you used above.
    If it doesn't return anything, then yeah the super admin account has been deleted. You'll need to 'promote' another user to super admin with this query:

    UPDATE Customer SET IsAdmin=3 WHERE Email='the address you want to make a super user'
    You can either promote an existing customer account, or just register a new account through the front end and run that script on the new account.

    *Please ensure that you have a full, functioning backup before making any code modifications or file changes to your AspDotNetStorefront website, or running any ad-hoc queries against your database. Improperly making code modifications or running queries against your database can cause your website to be non-functional and/or your data to be permanently lost. As part of your disaster recovery plan, you should make regular backups of all files and data, and perform periodic checks to ensure your backups function properly. If you are not sure if your data is adequately protected, contact an IT professional or your hosting provider for assistance.