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Thread: WSI - XmlPackage Call - Not passing in runtime params.

  1. #1
    mbertulli is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Default WSI - XmlPackage Call - Not passing in runtime params.

    I think I just need some aspdnsf eyes on this one. Probably something silly.

    I'm making the following WSI request to my v storefront:

    <XmlPackage Name="CustomDumpOrder.xml.config" RuntimeParams="OrderNumber=100001" OutputType="CDATA" />
    My XMLPackage has a query that looks like:

    <query name="OrderInfo" rowElementName="Order">
    select OrderNumber, OrderGUID, ParentOrderNumber, StoreVersion, QuoteCheckout, IsNew, ShippedOn, CustomerID, CustomerGUID, Referrer, SkinID, LastName, FirstName, Email, Notes, BillingEqualsShipping, BillingLastName, BillingFirstName, BillingCompany, BillingAddress1, BillingAddress2, BillingSuite, BillingCity, BillingState, BillingZip, BillingCountry, BillingPhone, ShippingLastName, ShippingFirstName, ShippingCompany, ShippingResidenceType, ShippingAddress1, ShippingAddress2, ShippingSuite, ShippingCity, ShippingState, ShippingZip, ShippingCountry, ShippingMethodID, ShippingMethod, ShippingPhone, ShippingCalculationID, Phone, RegisterDate, AffiliateID, CouponCode, CouponType, CouponDescription, CouponDiscountAmount, CouponDiscountPercent, CouponIncludesFreeShipping, OkToEmail, Deleted, CardType, CardName, CardNumber, Last4, CardExpirationMonth, CardExpirationYear, OrderSubtotal, OrderTax, OrderShippingCosts, OrderTotal, PaymentGateway, AuthorizationCode, AuthorizationPNREF, OrderDate, LevelID, LevelName, LevelDiscountPercent, LevelDiscountAmount, LevelHasFreeShipping, LevelAllowsQuantityDiscounts, LevelHasNoTax, LevelAllowsCoupons, LevelDiscountsApplyToExtendedPrices, LastIPAddress, PaymentMethod, OrderNotes, RecurringSubscriptionID, PONumber, DownloadEmailSentOn, ReceiptEmailSentOn, DistributorEmailSentOn, ShippingTrackingNumber, ShippedVIA, CustomerServiceNotes, RTShipRequest, RTShipResponse, TransactionState, AVSResult, CardinalLookupResult, CardinalAuthenticateResult, CardinalGatewayParms, AffiliateCommissionRecorded, OrderOptions, OrderWeight, eCheckBankABACode, eCheckBankAccountNumber, eCheckBankAccountType, eCheckBankName, eCheckBankAccountName, CarrierReportedRate, CarrierReportedWeight, LocaleSetting, FinalizationData, ExtensionData, AlreadyConfirmed, CartType, THUB_POSTED_TO_ACCOUNTING, THUB_POSTED_DATE, THUB_ACCOUNTING_REF, ReadyToShip, IsPrinted, AuthorizedOn, CapturedOn, RefundedOn, VoidedOn, InventoryWasReduced, MaxMindFraudScore, MaxMindDetails, CardStartDate, CardIssueNumber, TransactionType, Crypt, VATRegistrationID, FraudedOn, RelatedOrderNumber from Orders with (NOLOCK) where OrderNumber=@OrderNumber
    <queryparam paramname="@OrderNumber" paramtype="runtime" requestparamname="OrderNumber" sqlDataType="int" defvalue="0" validationpattern=" " />
    So why is it when this package executes (and it does), my @OrderNumber param is not being passed in. It's always the default = 0.
    Matthew Bertulli
    Demac Media
    Custom Web Design & E-Commerce Development
    AspDotNetStoreFront Platinum DevNet Partner

    Custom Skinning & Design
    Web Services Integration
    Custom Reporting eCommerce AspDotNetStoreFront Integration

  2. #2
    acqy is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2010


    That's a bug on that version, ADNSF Staffs just told me that they will fix this in the next version.

  3. #3
    RBrun is offline Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    I had the same problem. Filed a ticket with support and they fixed me up with a patch that resolved the issue.
