I need to generate the tracking code for our datafeed company.
The instructions say as follows
<script type="text/javascript">
var order_id = "";
var order_value = "";
var total_units = "";
var product_ids = "";
var product_units = "";
<script src="https://reporting.singlefeed.com/z/convert.pl?merchant_id=2383" type="text/javascript" ></script>
but I dot know what values to enter to make this code fully work
There are five optional, but highly recommended, parameters that you can pass to SingleFeed through this code snippet. This is usually done by inserting a dynamic variable enclosed in the doublequotes after the equal sign. The dynamic variable is determined by your ecommerce platform or shopping cart provider. For example, your variable for order_value may look like <$cart_subtotal$> and would automatically insert the dollar value of the order into the order_value parameter. Below are explanations of each optional parameter:
*The following parameters are strongly recommended:
* order_id:
A unique identifier for the current order.
* order_value:
The value of this order.
*The following parameters are recommended:
* total_units:
Total number of units in this order.
* product_ids:
A comma separated list of product identifiers for the products in this order.
* product_units:
A comma separated list of unit counts that corresponds to the product_ids list.
I know I need to add this to the order confirmation page, but other than that I am lost. thank you in advance.
$50 will be paid via paypal for help with this matter.
call me if anything