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Thread: managed site providers?

  1. #1
    btappan is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Default managed site providers?

    I currently run ML that I have setup most of on my own. I'm looking for a service where I can hire someone long term who can make design changes to my site, but also take care of all hosting and performance issues. Can anybody out there recommend someone they have worked with who is like a webmaster for hire, so to speak?

  2. #2
    VibeCommerce is offline Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Grandville, MI


    We provide this kind of service, but firmly believe developers should not be hosting providers (unless two separate departments in a larger company). Otherwise you can get your hands tied in a hurry. We refer our clients to a trusted EXPERT hosting partner, and then we handle the day-to-day customizations, updates and maintenance on the cart application. It seems to work nice this way. Separation of powers, if you will.