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Thread: Viewing Orders

  1. #1
    Gary Infante is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Default Viewing Orders

    On the Home (admin) page for our store, there is a box the containg information on the "Latest Orders". This is very handy but for some reason does not include sales of items that were downloaded products. Is there an app config parameter that has to be modified to make these downloaded sales (and other sales items like refunds that do not appear)?


  2. #2
    ASPAlfred is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2007


    By design, all new orders (IsNew=1) will actually appear there including order those that contains downloadable product. There is no specific appconfig for that but it can be changed pretty much easily by modifying the {root}/YourAdminFolder/splash.aspx.cs file, locate the loadGrids() method, and edit the where clause (summarySQL) to include the details you want.