is there a way to set a new category according to the product?
for example i have a book named X and i the "books" category doesn't exist...
how / where i should declare the new books category?
is there a way to set a new category according to the product?
for example i have a book named X and i the "books" category doesn't exist...
how / where i should declare the new books category?
Not sure I got this. Need a bit of details here. thanks
i mean if i have 10 products, with 5 belong to books category and 5 belong to T-shirt category...
Now the T-shirt category exist in the system and the books category isn't.
How oar where in the XML can i define the books category to be automatic generate when i upload these products?
If when you're doing an XML import, you specify an xpath for the category:
It will automatically create those categories/sub-categories for you!C#/VB.NET Code: