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Thread: Australian and UK Hosting Partners Needed

  1. #1
    LisaVK is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Default Australian and UK Hosting Partners Needed

    AspDotNetStorefront would love to hear from our community: have you utilized a Hosting provider in Australia or the UK that has been fantastic? Let us know because we are looking for new providers that exemplify the following traits:

    • Windows NT & SQL Server High Performance Servers
    • Willingness to install shopping carts on demand
    • Do they offer 24/7 server support
    • Are they familiar with the application you are running (AspDotNetStorefront). A host who is familiar with our application can be a real benefit if you ever need assistance
    • Timeliness of support responses (if your site is down, you are not making money)
    • Performance & bandwidth of their servers and facilities
    • Price
    • Are they PCI Ready (to leverage our VISA/Mastercard PABP/PA-DSS Certification status instantly!)
    • Ability to provide dedicated SSL (Secure Socket Layer Certificates) at a reasonable price
    • Ability to allow custom modifications to be made to the server if needed for particular client stores
    • Regular backup policies & procedures
    • SPAM traps enforced on mail servers to prevent junk e-mails
    • Industry standard security policies & procedures at facility
    • Can you move up from shared to semi-dedicated to dedicated servers easily as your business grows
    • General features offered

  2. #2
    sasdaman is offline Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    United Kingdom

    Default UK Hosting Providers - Please make your voices heard

    Hi Peps,

    I would love to hear from any aspdotnetstorefront UK developers or hosting companies that have tested and successfully hosted ASPDNSF on either a shared, virtual (VPS), semi-dedicated or dedicated server(s).

    I'm looking for a UK solution for my client and for the life of me have no answers other then using a dedicated platform. One-Click installs would be extremely desirable also an upgrade path to handle growth as mentioned by Lisa.

    Look forward to someone's response

    Kind regards,
    Sahus Pilwal
    Web Designer
    eCommerce Design & Development