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Thread: No error when credit card info is invalid or blank

  1. #1
    kbarkhausen is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Default No error when credit card info is invalid or blank

    I am using ASPDNSF 8.x (with Source Code) and I use PayPal PayFlow Pro.

    When I am in the checkout process and I enter an invalid credit card number, I am not getting any error message. It simply erases the credit card data provided and re-displays the form. User is not told anything. They simply have to try again.

    How does ASPDNSF get responses from PayPal in order to determine if the credit card is incorrect? Where does ASPDNSF process the response and determine which error to show?

  2. #2
    ASPAlfred is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2007


    You could set ValidateCreditCardNumbers to true in the appconfig so the store can do a 'basic' validation of CC numbers, which returns an 'Invalid credit card number' message for invalid numbers. But, it's generally best to leave that to false, as the payment gateway (Paypal PayFlow Pro, etc) will validate the CC information more accurately on their end once the user click the 'Place Order' button (aspdotnetstorefront forward those information as xml format). In any case, the gateway will send back a response to your store whether the transaction was approved or denied. For approved transactions, it's viewable under Orders -> View/Manage Orders. For denied, it's viewable under Orders -> Failed Transactions.