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Thread: Full-Text Search won't return results from SKU or PRoductID

  1. #1
    mgibbs is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Orange County, CA

    Default Full-Text Search won't return results from SKU or PRoductID

    The normal (non-full-text search) will return search hits on name as well as SKU (+SKUSuffix) and ProductID.

    Turning on full-text search (which works great on name and description) won't return results with matches in SKU/SKUSuffix or ProductID.

    Is there a way to fix this?

    Running ML v8.0.1.2

    Thanks in advance for any advice/suggestions.
    EMM for AspDotNetStorefront - Communicate effectively with your customers

  2. #2
    RBrun is offline Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    Was just hunting for a solution to this as well... anybody have input?

    We want to find a way that if someone searches for something by Part Number - Manufacturer Part Number and VendorFullSku are included in the lookup.


  3. #3
    John Reasons is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    Full text search was not designed to return on the productID or SKUsuffix.

    The productID was excluded because the search generally requires at least 3 characters and so there would be at least about 1000 products they would not be able to find using productID search, also if a customer searched for say 26, they would get every product which has 26 in the id, and every other instance of 26 throughout the products.

    As for the SKUsuffix it was not considered, as SKU is results are returned.

    That is not to say you can not add this funcitonality, you can just mod the index to
    include the variant SKUSuffix, and maybe mod the function that returns the table object to enforce unique product IDs.