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Thread: Filtering products by customer level, including anon

  1. #1
    donttryathome is offline Senior Member
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    Apr 2009

    Default Filtering products by customer level, including anon

    We have a wholesale site running. We want to prevent customers from a certain customer level from purchasing certain products. But we also want anonymous customers to view all items.

    We created two customer levels 4, and 5.

    The customers with a customer level of 5 should not be able to purchase items from the product category "widgets".

    So we mapped all products to level 4, and all products (except for products in the "widget" category) to level 5.

    This should prevent people in level 5 from viewing "widgets".

    The problem we have now is that anonymous customers can't see ANYTHING when they visit the site.

    How do we remedy this?


  2. #2
    John Reasons is offline Senior Member
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    Oct 2009


    You would need to setup an automated mapping for anonymous customers and map the products to anonymous customer level. Due to the fact that when you use customer level mapping on products it hides it for anyone below that level.

    There is some details for setting up auto assignment here.

  3. #3
    Mike The Last Boyscout is offline User
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    That's how customer level filtering works - once a product is mapped to a customer level, only customers in the allowed level(s) will be able to see it. You'll probably want to create a 'Retail' or 'Standard' (or whatever you want to call it) customer level and default new customers to that level with the DefaultCustomerLevelID AppConfig

  4. #4
    donttryathome is offline Senior Member
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    Apr 2009


    That's how customer level filtering works - once a product is mapped to a customer level, only customers in the allowed level(s) will be able to see it. You'll probably want to create a 'Retail' or 'Standard' (or whatever you want to call it) customer level and default new customers to that level with the DefaultCustomerLevelID AppConfig
    We don't want anonymous customers to see prices or be able to submit orders. We simply want them to see the products. Once they've registered and we've added them to the appropriate customer level, then they can view prices and submit orders.

    Doing what you suggest would automatically give "anonymous" (or as you call it, retail/standard" customers the ability to see prices and submit orders, would it not?

  5. #5
    donttryathome is offline Senior Member
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    Apr 2009


    You would need to setup an automated mapping for anonymous customers and map the products to anonymous customer level.
    I think is exactly what we need, but I don't see a way to map products to the anonymous customer level. In the Product Mapping tab it doesn't give us the option to map products to the customer level of 0.

    The issue I see here is that we want anonymous customers to see products but not prices. And we want customers from in a certain customer level to not see certain products.

    So is there a way to map products to the customer level of 0?

  6. #6
    ASPAlfred is offline Senior Member
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    That's possible. If you'd want anonymous customers to see just the products without prices, set WholesaleOnlySite to true. If that's true, all "retail" customers (level 0) will NOT see any prices on the entire site. They also cannot add to cart. On the other hand, you can map/unmap products to a certain customer level if you don't want them to show on those customer under it.

  7. #7
    donttryathome is offline Senior Member
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    Apr 2009


    That's possible. If you'd want anonymous customers to see just the products without prices, set WholesaleOnlySite to true. If that's true, all "retail" customers (level 0) will NOT see any prices on the entire site. They also cannot add to cart. On the other hand, you can map/unmap products to a certain customer level if you don't want them to show on those customer under it.
    If I do as you've instructed anonymous customers don't see any products at all. This is how we're currently configured, and this is the original problem that we ran into and I posted about. Remember, I am filtering products so that customers in a certain wholesale level don't see products from a certain category.

    If it's possible to map all products to the anonymous customer level, how is it done?