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Thread: additional charge when using Creditcard as payment method?

  1. #1
    MiBfinity is offline Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Default additional charge when using Creditcard as payment method?


    The Creditcard-Company charges us 4% for using the Creditcardgateway. How can I add these 4 % to the cart when using the Creditcard?

    Thank you very much,

  2. #2
    John Reasons is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    Hello Michael,

    We don't have anything to increase cost by payment method out of the box. However you can apply a handling fee ( to all orders. Of course there is the option of customizing the software to apply an additional charge when a particular payment method is used.

    If you use the handling fee you would most likely want to use the following settings:
    ShippingHandlingExtraFee = True
    ApplyShippingHandlingExtraFeeToFreeShipping = True

    This way all orders get an extra fee, you would need to figure a flat rate that covers your additional costs.