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Thread: Complex Category Updating

  1. #1
    cjbarth is offline Senior Member
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    Oct 2008

    Exclamation Complex Category Updating

    If I had a category layout like the following:


    How would I add a 1 1/2" subcategory? Every time I try I end up with:

    1 1

    The reason is that XPath doesn't allow the '/' character in a path and the WSI import mechanism doesn't allow the specifying the ParentEntityID.

    I tried modifying the source code of WSI.vb to include this line in the ProcessEntity function just after all the initial Dim statements:

    If ParentEntityID = 0 Then ParentEntityID = XmlCommon.XmlFieldNativeInt(node, "ParentEntityID")

    While logically that should have worked, I can't get a clean compile with the source/solution that was provided.

    Does anyone have any suggestions? It seems to me that WSI needs to be updated to allow Entity creation to support ParentEntityID.

    Last edited by cjbarth; 02-08-2010 at 02:24 PM.

  2. #2
    cjbarth is offline Senior Member
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    Oct 2008

    Thumbs up

    I was able to get my modification to compile and that fixed the problem. I can now specify a ParentEntityID in the WSI XML and have it populate correctly in the database. So I have set up a table to keep track of the descriptive name of the categories and the ID that is assigned to them. When I want to add or delete a child of a category with a '/' in it I do a lookup in my custom table and then specify the ID directly.

    It seems that this one line of code should be merged in to the code-base for WSI.

    If anyone has any other suggestions about how something like this could be handled without modifications to the code-base for WSI I would like to hear them.


  3. #3
    campbelt101 is offline Member
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    Dec 2010


    Not sure if you ever ran into the document named "ASPDNSF ERP Provider SyncV3.pdf". I don't have a link but I downloaded it from here somewhere.

    Anyways... there's a section as follows:

    To add a new category with a Name, XPath (used to specify location in the category is a
    child of another category), Description, XmlPackage, and Published value, you could use
    as follows:

    XElement xeImport = new XElement("AspDotNetStorefrontImport", new XAttribute("Version",
    XElement xeCategory = new XElement("Entity",
    new XAttribute("Action", "Add"),
    new XAttribute("EntityType", "Category"),
    new XElement("Name", "CategoryName"),
    new XElement("XPath", "/Main Category/Sub Category/CategoryName"),
    new XElement("Description", new XCData("category description")),
    new XElement("Display",
    new XElement("XmlPackage", "entity.gridwithprices.xml.config")),
    new XElement("Published", true));
    The resulting xeImport in this case would be:
    <AspDotNetStorefrontImport Version="7.1">
    <Entity Action="Add" EntityType="Category">
    <XPath>/Main Category/Sub Category/CategoryName</XPath>
    <Description><![CDATA[category description]]></Description>

    I'm running into the same issue myself, and I'm about ready to test it. I agree though, it would make much more sense to be able to specify a ParentID for the entity.

  4. #4
    Ex-Jesse is offline Member
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    When you come up with your solution, please let me know. I've found it to be a headscratcher myself.
    Last edited by Ex-Jesse; 03-30-2011 at 12:07 AM.

  5. #5
    cjbarth is offline Senior Member
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    What is wrong with the solution presented?
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  6. #6
    campbelt101 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by cjbarth View Post
    What is wrong with the solution presented?
    I've gotten to this section of my coding and I have to admit it's a bummer than I can't just specify the Parent ID. The part I dislike is that I have to make a call (via wsi) to get the parent's xpath (if there is one).

    Just adds more communication that I'd prefer to have, but I want to ensure I have the correct XPath.

    OP, if you are still having an issue with this, I can post some VB code showing how I do this.

  7. #7
    cjbarth is offline Senior Member
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    When I mentioned about the solution presented I guess I was referring to the modification I made to add in processing for ParentID to WSI. I agree that the XPath solution doesn't work at all. It is slow and it doesn't work with all possible names of Categories.
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  8. #8
    campbelt101 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by cjbarth View Post
    When I mentioned about the solution presented I guess I was referring to the modification I made to add in processing for ParentID to WSI. I agree that the XPath solution doesn't work at all. It is slow and it doesn't work with all possible names of Categories.

    Sorry about that. I miss read you initial post.