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Thread: Optional Product

  1. #1
    DotNetDevelopments is offline Senior Member
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    Jul 2008
    Harlow / Essex / UK

    Question Optional Product

    We have a product at the moment on the site to which you can buy the plug as well. However many people buy the product and then phone up complaining there is no plug.

    We have on the product page in very large letters that it does not come with a plug, however some people still miss this.

    Can we have the plug added to the basket when they order the product however if they want they can delete the plug from the basket.

    Can this be done?
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    Dot Net Developments - E-commerce By Experience

  2. #2
    AspDotNetStorefront Staff - Scott's Avatar
    AspDotNetStorefront Staff - Scott is offline Administrator
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    Ashland, OR


    You could set up the plugs as a related product or upsell product. It's not going to be automatically added to the cart, but it'll be harder for the customer to miss.

    The only built-in way to automatically add the plugs would be to make it a required product of the main item, and if you do that customers can't remove it as long as the main item is in the cart.

    The way you're after could be done with a little customization. You could either set up a DB trigger to add such and such an item to the cart whenever a new row is created in the ShoppingCart table that contains X, or even use the AddToCart Event Handler to do just about the same thing.