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Thread: topics database

  1. #1
    Univest is offline Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Default topics database

    I had added a topic by the name "newsletter" in topics and removed it. after I changed my mind and wanted to add it again but it give me a error like in the text file attached. I looks to be a double entry error in the DB.
    can someone show how to clean the DB from this error.

    thank you
    Attached Files Attached Files

  2. #2
    George the Great is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Cleveland, OH


    When you removed it, did you do so from the admin section? If so, the record isn't actually gone, but has just been "soft deleted". To resolve you can do one of two things.

    1. You can un-delete the topic and then make your changes to it from the admin section. To do so, you can execute the following sql directly in sql management studio while connected to your database, or from the Run SQL page in the admin section (as long as you're a super admin)
      update dbo.Topic set Deleted=0 where Name='newsletter'
    2. You can remove the record completely from the Topic table so that you can re-add the topic directly from the admin section. To do so, you can execute the following sql directly in sql management studio while connected to your database, or from the Run SQL page in the admin section (as long as you're a super admin)
      delete dbo.Topic where Name='newsletter'

    As with any direct database changes, please make sure you have a fully functional backup of the database before you begin. A mistake could cause data consistency errors and even bring down a site.
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  3. #3
    Univest is offline Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Thumbs up great

    Thank you so much George.

    worked great