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Thread: International shipping and UPS Landed Cost

  1. #1
    Nico is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Default International shipping and UPS Landed Cost


    We use UPS realtime shipping rates for Domestic (US) orders and we are now moving towards enabling international shipping. For this we are going to use the UPS LandedCost Web Service as we ship hazardous material (fragrance = alcohol). We need to pass the Tarriff code (also called Harmonization Code) for each product to get the VAT and Duties rates to charge to the customer.

    Now, I understand it is not supported out of the box and I have the source code and a fairly old version of ML (

    Did anybody did this before? I was thinking of using a dummy RTShipping.InternationalCarriers to be able to call my custom shipping methods list and VAT calculation functions. Does that look like a good idea?


  2. #2
    DanV's Avatar
    DanV is offline Ursus arctos horribilis
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    Apr 2006


    You could mod RTShipping to do this, yes, however some additional mods may be required since if memory serves me correctly, you need to be pretty verbose about how any kind of VAT/whatever is displayed on the receipt, checkout pages, and so on. Taxes are not calculated within the shipping routines, so you will need a way to call those out and override our standard tax routines. An easier way (if there is a finite number of tax rates) would be to dynamically switch the shipping taxclass during checkout, which would prevent having to mod sprocs and things like that.