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Thread: New order using WSI

  1. #1
    mohanrh is offline Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Default New order using WSI

    Has anyone tried creating a new order using WSI? We have a scenario where in one of our affiliated site would need to create an order on our main ecommerce site running on ML/64 platform and just display the order number to the customer.

    The affiliated site would send the customerid, productid and payment info. The main site should then create an order and send back the order info. Is this functionality feasible using wsi?

    Any info in this regard is greately appreciated.


  2. #2
    George the Great is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Cleveland, OH


    WSI is not capable of actually creating the order (at least not with any of the built in order-specific nodes), however if you have the data and know where it fits in the order schema you could use a direct sql query to insert the data manually into the orders tables and then get the order number once the insert is completed.
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