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Thread: custom gateway

  1. #1
    mc9000 is offline Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2007

    Default custom gateway

    Been given the nasty task of creating a gateway for VEREPAY and modeled based on the other gateways in the system. The problem is, I don't see where and when the CaptureOrder function is ever called. I've tried both "AUTH" and "AUTH_CAPTURE" settings, but, in both cases, they always go to the ProcessCard() function. (it looks like none of the gateways call the "CaptureOrder" function whie stepping through the debugger).
    Is "CaptureOrder" called from some event I'm missing (that can't be stepped through w/the debugger)?
    DispatchCapture is never hit either (which would explain why "CaptureOrder" is never hit, as far as I can tell).

    I'm running ver 8 ML/64 (have the source code).

    any ideas?

  2. #2
    ASPAlfred is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2007


    With the normal checkout in the store front the CaptureOrder method is not used (instead it's ProcessCard) as it will be called only when the admin user captures an Authorized order in the Order Manager's page (Orderframe.aspx).

    see below image:
    Name:  capture.jpg
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