AspDotNetStorefront ML
Can an option be added to the RT shipping methods so a customer can use there own carrier? They would choose " Customer's Account Number" and use the order notes box for the details.
AspDotNetStorefront ML
Can an option be added to the RT shipping methods so a customer can use there own carrier? They would choose " Customer's Account Number" and use the order notes box for the details.
That's possible via customization, but can't exactly tell how much changes you'd need to make. By default, the software look up the RTShipping Carrier credentials from the parameters provided in the appconfig (e.g. RTShipping.UPS.AccountNumber, etc), instead of doing that, you'd need to redirect the RTShipping Logic to look up the information from the customer's account, of course, considering that you've added a function in the customer's account page to capture those info from customers.
I am implimenting this in a non verified manner that simply allows the user to select a carrier and enter their account number. Our Warehouse will verify the account at shipment time and if there is an issue the customer would need to be contacted.