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Thread: Western Australia = WA -- this conflicts with Washington (WA)

  1. #1
    echonull is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Default Western Australia = WA -- this conflicts with Washington (WA)

    First off, I am pretty sure we have an antique version of APDSF but I'm hoping to get this to work without doing a major upgrade.

    We have a customer that would like to order from Australia. They only have about 5 states so I added them manually. I noticed that Washington (US) and Western Australia (AUS) both have the same abbreviation of WA. I didn't think much of it because I figured a uniqueid would be referenced rather than the abbreviation itself. Well, it seems that I was wrong.

    The customer attempted to order and complained that duplicate items are added to their cart. I checked it out and sure enough, that is the case. After awhile of ruling out options I have concluded that it is because of the abbreviation WA. I changed the account to another state within Australia and it worked just fine. I've tried deleting the account and starting over (just in case) but no luck.

    Anyone have any ideas for a quick fix? I'd like to just make the abbreviation "WAU" or something but I'm sure the customer wouldn't like that very much. It just so happens that the address they use is printed on the product that they order from us. So the address happens to be quite important. Oh, and it's used for shipping... haha

  2. #2
    AspDotNetStorefront Staff - Scott's Avatar
    AspDotNetStorefront Staff - Scott is offline Administrator
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    Ashland, OR


    That sounds like an issue we ran into and corrected not too terribly long ago. Do you know exactly what version you're using? You can look on the admin landing page or (for older versions)

  3. #3
    echonull is offline Junior Member
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    Jan 2010


    Version (Code/DB): AspDotNetStorefront PRO 5.8

  4. #4
    echonull is offline Junior Member
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    Jan 2010


    I have added a period ("WA.") for the Western Australia state but I believe it's now causing issues with the credit card verification.

  5. #5
    AspDotNetStorefront Staff - Scott's Avatar
    AspDotNetStorefront Staff - Scott is offline Administrator
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    Ashland, OR


    Eek, yeah that's a good 4 years old

    The best choice obviously would be to upgrade, we've added/improved a TON of features since then, and if nothing else you're going to want to get on PA-DSS software soon!

    In the meantime, what we did to correct the issue was to add an overloaded version of the AppLogic.GetStateID method that takes both the StateAbbreviation and the CountryID and looks for the right combination to return the ID. You'll probably want to do the same in your version until you can upgrade.