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Thread: Discounts for one size but not the other.

  1. #1
    matthewkimber is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Ogden, Utah

    Default Discounts for one size but not the other.

    So, I've finessed my products into AspDotNetStorefront and now I need to discount one size of my product and not the other. For example I have the following t-shirt product:

    • Shirt (Product)
      • Variant 1
        • S [$10.00]
        • M [$12.00]
        • L [$15.00]

    As you can see I have three different sizes defined within the variant under "Attributes > Sizes" in the product management portal. Now, lets imagine that I really like people that wear Larges and would like to sell them at a discount, but people that don't wear larges aren't necessarily my friends and I want them to pay retail. How can I apply a 50% discount to all shirts in Large without manually editing each product?

    Your help is much appreciated! Thanks!

    Best Regards,

    Matthew Kimber

  2. #2
    Jao is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2008


    Applying quantity discount would be the solution here; however, it would still require a slight tweaking on that feature. Currently, the quantity discount filters the calculation by quantity whatever the attribute is, therefore, you'll need to create a method that would calculate the discount by both quantity and size attribute...